James-Robert Coulter,
^ a suspected pedophile, teaches here but is currently on suspension. ^




and to share information, etc. regarding the criminal case against teacher
James-Robert Coulter,
alleged collector, purchaser and possessor of child pornography.

Perhaps even divulge anonymously any inside information you may have, whether it's first-hand, directly or indirectly acquired.

The alleged:

The alleged:
Jim-Bo Coulter

The triplex in which Mr. Coulter lives:

The triplex in which Mr. Coulter lives:
16 Yonge Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Update (June, 2013)

Update (June, 2013)

(February, 2013)

Update<br>(February, 2013)

click the above image to read the initial TPS news release on James-Robert Coulter

the initial letter home from the school:

the initial letter home from the school:

the 2nd letter home from the school

the 2nd letter home from the school

Jimmy-Bob lives right around the corner from this private school:

Jimmy-Bob lives right around the corner from this private school:
Was the judge made aware of this when he granted bail?
James Robert Coulter lives less than the distance of a football field from this private school for children with learning disabilities!
In fact he can almost look out of his bedroom window and see the children coming and going from Dunblaine.
He can sit on benches in the City Parkette in front of the ScotiaBank across the street from his apartment and watch the school children.

Possible violent acts of anarchy keep the police from informing communities.

Possible violent acts of anarchy keep the police from informing communities.
(Click image above to see the reporting at "whosyourneighbour.ca" where child safety comes first.)
Is Jim-Bob's work community the only one at risk? He's suspended from work (teaching at Cosburn Middle School) and now at home. Is the community where he resides, where he is now out on bail, not now at risk too? Kids in his home neighbourhood are just as vulnerable.
I have yet to see that the media has published anything about his release on bail.
Shame on the media for devoting so much airtime to the eviction of a bunch of well intended campers in urban parks across the continent.
What is really more important? Our children's safety or the well being of adult "Occupy" protestors?
North Toronto beware!

click image below to peruse recent Police News releases

click image below to peruse recent Police News releases
By the way you can subscribe to these releases
(thanks for not sharing that at the school meeting of the evening of Nov 21, 2011)

tell Crimestoppers your story too...your tip could be worth a reward

tell Crimestoppers your story too...your tip could be worth a reward
click image above to link-up with the police via the Toronto Crime Stoppers tip line
or text TOR and your message to CRIMES

o/o by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection

Cybertip<br>o/o by the  Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Know or suspect something?
Click image above and pass it on here

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cosburn teacher remains in custody on child porn charges - CityNews#.TssntA9AxLo.blogger#.TssntA9AxLo.blogger

Cosburn teacher remains in custody on child porn charges - CityNews#.TssntA9AxLo.blogger#.TssntA9AxLo.blogger


  1. I attended the meeting for parents at the school last night and understand that many are affected and perhaps traumatized by the discovery of Mr. Coulter's perversions. I do feel as most attendees did that the main concern should be for the students both past and present. To the woman in the audience that wanted to devote considerable time to discuss the methodology for the recuperation of the many teachers of the school, I say get a grip on reality. The teachers are adults and have been made aware of therapeutic avenues available to them. They will undoubtedly endure this and probably come out stronger and wiser. The incident overall is an occupational hazard and if teachers do not bide well they may in fact be no longer sufficiently equipped to continue their chosen profession.

    The children are innocent and naive and deserve all the time and attention to ensure remediation. It is not teachers that go "postal"; bring weapons to class; or carry out mass murders on school and college campuses.

    Let's keep our priorities straight. Bravo to the gentleman who interupted the woman and attempted to keep the meeting focussed on the vulnerable, the children. With the compassion he demonstrated, I am certain he feels for the teachers as well.

  2. Jim-Bo Coulter's Trial will be held on August 9th, 2013 at Downsview's Court at 1000 Finch Ava, West, Room 302. See him in court.

  3. 1000 Finch Avenue West, Room 302. Phone: 416-314-4213

  4. Anuone knows what was the Court decisio?

  5. He was picked up a second time in 2013 for the same thing including making childporn. Anyone know what happened to.him?

    1. That is incorrect information. The alleged breach of conditions centered around the use of a computer at a job connect center and unfounded.
